There must be a way to show others that their voice is needed, that the world yearns for their work. Our creative renewal depends on the gifts that each person, each life form, is able to uniquely serve and send forth. We all form the flow of life that sustains the continuous, celestial wheel of creation. We are all tied to the never ending story. We must play our role in the Great Drama. We cannot speak for anyone else, and no one can speak for us.

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Dylan James Comment

By facing our fate in the every day, in the return to practice, consistency and training, we embolden our heart, we deepen our courage, we expand our strength and we move closer and closer to the bliss of becoming. With renewed eyes and keener vision, we actively see our delicate dance between the invisible realm of the eternal and the numerous manifestations of consciousness in form.

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Dylan James Comment

Walk With the Rain is a tribute to fate. It was written for all those experiences that lie beyond our direct control or influence. It’s a song dedicated to everything that emerges as a limitation or boundary, but secretly conspires to reveal our creative potential… [read more]

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Dylan JamesComment

Resistance is mind-made, an illusion, a story, an exaggeration, a faction, a farce, a false fear, a block, a wall, a cage, a chain, a limiting device for ego, a song of security and safety, an enemy of evolution, a hindrance to learning and transformation.

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Dylan James Comment

When considering the piece "Return to Your Rituals" many images come to mind: those activities where I feel at peace, where my soul is set on fire, where I'm feeling abundance within and around me, where there is unity with all of consciousness… .[read more]…

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Dearest Soul Friends and Fellow Mystics,

If you are reading this note, I must extend a huge wave of heartfelt gratitude. Your attention and willingness to listen to my music and read what I have written is an absolute honor and privilege. Amidst all the options and avenues where you can spend your time, please know that choosing to spend it here with me is something that I consider to be a precious gift. I truly hope this message finds you well, wherever you may be, and whatever state of heart you’re occupying. …[read more] …

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Where do you turn when you find yourself at a fork in the road?

Which map do you reference for guidance? Is it within or without?

How do you navigate the swirling storms of stimulus and saturation?


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Music is medicine. The rich, imaginative storytelling of music soothes mind, body and spirit. And each of us has our own story to tell, unique to our experience, unlike any other the world has ever seen. The trials and triumphs of your life, the meaning and mystery discovered there, can only be told by you…[read more] …

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