Where do you turn when you find yourself at a fork in the road?

Which map do you reference for guidance? Is it within or without?

How do you navigate the swirling storms of stimulus and saturation? 

How do you find the way to your absolute presence and purity in participation?

When you find silence, you find your source. It reveals the soothing power of your own wise and courageous heart. The beat and pulse draw you down to deeper wells of your ancestral self. The ancient rhythms seek to satisfy your deepest cravings and bring clarity to the surrounding chaos. Answering the most challenging of questions and rendering pathways of resolution when confronted with a myriad of choices.

Your inner, infinite intelligence begs for your attention. You can hear it whisper if you're willing to listen. It beseeches you to join in a celestial conversation. This communication yields a rich renewal. It steers you from tragic temptation. It gently guides you to places and faces that elicit the soul's satisfaction. Even when all seems well and innocent this radar can sense if your path has gone astray. It can tell if your purpose is missing. It knows when you're seeking habitual and hollow satiation of comforts and pleasure. This burden becomes heavier the more you ignore it. The faster you run towards familiarity, the deeper your fear penetrates your personality.

Know that your home, your REAL home, is not found in an external form or emanation. Your home resides inside you, within your cells and throughout your interconnected system that brings life and animation to every instance of your experience.

Find this silence. Follow the solace and learn more about your secret source and creative compass. It brings vision and wisdom once you embrace the connection with consistent conversation. Listen to the oscillating swells within you and glean a better understanding of the storms around you. By taking time to be with yourself, you inherit and inhabit all the world's wealth. While resting in reverence of your deepest roots, you expand your resonance to all realms of the universe. 

You learn to respect the resistance. In fact, you come to cherish it. Returning to your practice, you develop a powerful persistence. 

The forthcoming obstacles become indelible invitations to recover your strength and embody new levels of vibrant dynamism. The fire that you generate, the sensation that you stimulate, is the engine that ignites your expansion of imagination. 

Remain humble with your highs and loving with your lows. Maintain your gratitude during valleys of despair and share your story riding peaks of glory. Behold every moment of your unfolding as a blessing and you won't get stuck chasing destinations or previous orientations.

Winding your way through the ineffable inner maze, you must face the Minotaur head high and head on. You acknowledge its presence, muster your courage, and step nobly into motion and participation with universal evolution. 

As you deepen this bond, your cause and creativity gain steam and forward momentum. Your purpose becomes bigger, more wholesome, more unified, in service to something greater. Following the Red Road with each choice, every word, and all humble intentions. The light pulls you forward to the dance, the dream, the destiny that is your life that you love. That which is filled with virtuous service, lifelong learning, spiritual values, rich imagination, wondrous appreciation, creative contributions, and truth in transformation.