Dearest Soul Friends and Fellow Mystics,

If you are reading this note, I must extend a huge wave of heartfelt gratitude. Your attention and willingness to listen to my music and read what I have written is an absolute honor and privilege. Amidst all the options and avenues where you can spend your time, please know that choosing to spend it here with me is something that I consider to be a precious gift. I truly hope this message finds you well, wherever you may be, and whatever state of heart you’re occupying.

The purpose of this note is to invite you to join me in the swirling journey and neverending safari of seeking our highest hope and absolute truth. There is no final destination or resting place for us to arrive, it is a moving target and elusive utopia that always lies on the horizon. Yet the mountain and its many obstacles that we must overcome offer rewards and revelations that will yield immense gratification in the forms of joy, bliss and peace.

Based on my own experiences, I have learned that intentionally seeking truth and love in every moment, every relationship and every exchange will continuously unfold new vistas of exploration, excitement and expression. My hope is that we can develop this worldwide truth-seeking intelligent presence together so the world and its inhabitants can reap the benefits.

My path has been lifted, aided and altered by so many spiritual guides. Many of you have played vital, essential, unforgettable roles in my becoming. As I continue to reach I see more of the universal soul in all of us, in every landscape, in all the wild varieties of creative forms that encompass, envelop and inhabit the world.

I wish to continue this learning and widening of soulful and spiritual understanding. Much of my progress and leaps of expansion have been stimulated by reflections and interactions from the worldwide community. The impact that my peers have had on me is profound and powerful. I have come to believe that our primary purpose is to heal each other. To do this we must live our truth and create a loving life that returns us to the universal heart that we all belong to and emanate from.

This is our heroic quest: to seek out our greatest gifts and share them freely and fiercely with our collective consciousness. The act of giving yourself to the world is where you find ultimate happiness and homecoming as you return to the foundation of all creation.

We must listen to one another, we must honor one another, we must uplift one another. In doing so, we stimulate the celestial evolution, growth and transformation of our divine mind. We must be an active participant and play our piece of the symphony of life that binds us all together.

My invitation to you is to BE MYSTIC, to BE TRUE to you, and to REACH for your wildest and highest forms of honest expression. I wish to hear from you, I wish to learn from you, I wish to see you in absolute purity, unmistakable honesty and unshakeable divinity.

Let’s weave this community together through the bettering of each other and enthusiastically encouraging the truth to bring us face-to-face, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul with the perennial miracle that is our universal spirit.

I invite you to be a part of this story, to join the conversation, to exchange your energy with mine so that we may stimulate your rich powers of imagination to empower your wildest creations. This is your time, as it is mine, so let’s make the most of it and step forward into the light.