Resistance is mind-made, an illusion, a story, an exaggeration, a faction, a farce, a false fear, a block, a wall, a cage, a chain, a limiting device for ego, a song of security and safety, an enemy of evolution, a hindrance to learning and transformation.

Resistance carries you away from the present and into a figment of horrible imagination, a setting and feeling that betrays your ascension, awareness and holistic understanding. It can trick you on a moments notice. It articulates and animates your fears. Turns them into walls, into devils, into dark dungeons where you stay forever chained and unchanged.

Change is our destiny. It is our ultimate unity with the source of all. Working through our trials, our errors, our missed chances, our misconceptions and our needless expectations requires an overcoming of Resistance.

An ability to let go, to seek a new relationship and view of all eternity. This requires courage, honesty, awkwardness, patience, persistence, practice, detachment, dis-identification and immense acceptance, enthusiasm and enjoyment of whatever moment arises be it intensity, bliss, loss, sadness or satisfaction.

Resistance provides a path forward, an obstacle to hurdle, a dragon to fight and possibly die at the hands of. For you never truly die or give yourself away unless if you rest in stagnancy, safety and security. You waste precious life when you try to hold on to time and occupy the essence that is always fleeting.

To quote Seneca: “Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing.”

Your dynamism is your gift, use it, move with it, harness it, draw inspiration from it, make more life with it. POSTPONE NOTHING. When the field surrounding you feels static and stale, look for your fears and go there! And you’ll uncover your next salvation!

Buried beneath the layers of anxiety, loss, comfort and the familiar lies the unknown and ineffable source. Seeking or returning to this absolute awareness is the purpose of your pain. Surrender to the feeling, be with it, accept it, and know that your infinite potential lies on the other side.

If you’re willing to face the Resistance rather than fight it, you unlock your freedom, you tap into the infinite, you invite the universal intelligence to move through you. When you endeavor to find that intelligence and make that the intention behind all your actions, you will find yourself in everything, and reveal your home in the countless manifestations of collective awareness.

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