In our modern age of information distraction is pervasive. The incessant barrages of advertising continue to invade and increase. Much of this stimulation is aimed at capturing your previous attention. One of the biggest tragedies is how truth and meaning seem to be harder to find and identify.

There is a lack of authenticity in favor of hollow, fake, cheap, fleeting values that do not bring lasting fulfillment or purpose to our lives. We need the truth to tell the difference and find what matters. We must feel our truth vibrate within our heart. It is the only way we find our bigger story, our hidden path, our divine destiny. We must have an ability to look within and feel the motions of our soul.

There must be a way that our work can further inspire truth, meaning, purpose, restoration, healing and transformation in ourselves and in others. The seed buried within my hear wishes to make others happy and to help them in every way that I can. My highest hope is to share and stimulate life, to bring happiness, joy and lasting love to all those around me.

My music must serve Great Nature, the Universal Soul, the Collective Whole. And it can only do that by speaking to each life, each person, each seed and branch in their own unique way. This is what the violin and strings enable for me. The notes that lift and leave the strings are able to translate to the threads that are woven into every individual soul.

Yet I still ask myself ā€¦ How can my work be more universal? How can my work be more helpful? How can my work be more illuminating? How can I do more? How can I be better?

There must be a way to show others that their voice is needed, that the world yearns for their work. Our creative renewal depends on the gifts that each person - each life form - is able to uniquely serve and send forth. We are all carried by the flow of life that sustains the continuous, celestial wheel of creation. We are all tied to the never ending story. We must play our role in the Great Drama. We cannot speak for anyone else, and no one can speak for us.

How can my gifts provide a hint, a clue, a brief glimpse for those that need it most? How can my work bring more soul, both collective and individual, into this beautiful but difficult world? We need your fate to be honored and shared. I wish for my work to inspire and enliven that voice inside you. May it be a channel for the light to reach you and spark the soul that is buried within you.

And no matter the gains or travels or lessons I shall endure, Iā€™m sure I will continue to ask myself .. How can my life help others become the muse they were born to be? How can I bring more soul to the world through my work? How can I continue to honor my own individual soul and carry it home?

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