It can seem so difficult and painful to face our fate and emerging circumstances. Yet this is where we choose whether to recover, build and grow or to retreat, resist and restrict.

Where do we go if not toward the moment, forward into feeling, flowing with the river of life? Does a distraction really make it any better? It’s merely a way to forget, to remove suffering to remain safe. Running away only delays the inevitable and prolongs the pain.

This is not what we want, despite what our ego and little-self may tell us. Deep down we desire and long for the destiny that is buried within our soul. This journey is wrapped in trials and tribulations. Tests and lessons. Obstacles and hurdles. Disappointments, dashed expectations, long periods of darkness, loneliness, melancholy, sorrow and desperation.

Through that SUFFERING AND shadow we find our soul’s divine spark.

When we come to the other side with honest acceptance of the situation at hand we can soak up the intelligence and inspiration that was promised to us at the very beginning. We connect to the ancient and all-pervading source that gives life to everything. With presence and acceptance we reclaim our noble task and distant dream that our soul is charged with unfolding.

By facing our fate in the every day, in the return to practice, consistency and training, we embolden our heart, we deepen our courage, we expand our strength and we move closer and closer to the bliss of becoming. With renewed eyes and keener vision, we actively see our delicate dance between the invisible realm of the eternal and the numerous manifestations of consciousness in form.

All of life is precious. It’s all a miracle to behold. It’s there to show you the unique and authentic gift that lies inside you and only you.

Bring awareness to where you are. Listen, feel, sense the inner space and honor that place where you find yourself. It’s all there with purpose. Believe it. Trust it and you can assimilate all adversity. See that your story and song starts with the words and notes that you can sing right here, right now.

Dylan James1 Comment